In this course, students are taught basic dental science and microbiolgy as they relate to infection control in dentistry; legal and ethical aspects of infection control procedures; terms and protocols specified in Cal. Code of Regs., Title 16, Section 1005 regarding the minimum standards for infection control; principles of modes of disease transmission and prevention; prinicples, techniques, and protocols of hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, surface barriers and disinfection, sterilization, sanitation, and hazardous chemicals associated with infection control; principles and protocols of sterlizer monitoring and the proper loading, unloading, storage, and transportation of instruments to work area; prinicples and procotols associated with sharps management; prinicples and protocols of infection control for laboratory areas; principles and protocols of waterline maintenance; principles and protocols regulated and nonregulated waste management; and priniciples and protocols related to injury and illness prevention, hazard communication, general office safety, exposure control, postexposure requirementsd, and monitoring systems for radiation safety and sterilization systems.